
Amaury Genovese


Christopher Kuhl


Savannah Milton


Iulia Kis

Fresher’s President

Max Anderson Loake

Welfare Officers

Julian Dalli
Adam Bush
Laura Haas

Social Sec

Jessica Nixon
Tiffany Chan

Black Tie Dinner Officer

Kamran Lamb

Exchange Dinner Officer

Heather Clark

Selwyn Exchange Officer

Jeffery Pendleton

Arts and Culture Officer

Kira Mulcahy

Sports Officer

Cameron Bowman

Cellar Steward

Johannes Riese

Equality and Diversity Officer

Suleika Norrbom

Accessibility and Disability Officer

Andrew Garrett

Environment Officer

Rebecca Weir

SU Officer

Afonso Rodrigues

IT Officer

William Lugoloobi

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee consists of the President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary. The committee holds MCR meetings, occurring twice per term, and oversees the MCR budget. They also represent the MCR to the Governing Body of College, attending meetings with the Warden, Bursar, and Domestic Bursar.

On a more personal note, the Executive Committee officers are here to represent you and are willing to assist you with any issues you may have! Executive Committee officers are returning students to Keble MCR and know the ropes. Never hesitate to reach out!

Welfare team

The MCR Welfare Team is comprised of our Welfare and Equality Officers.

Welfare Officers act as a point of contact for all matters pertaining to welfare within the graduate community, and liaise between central University and the MCR to continually improve Keble’s welfare provision. They represent the MCR at Student Support Committee, Health and Safety, Domestic, and Welfare Committee meetings. Together with the Equality Officer, they seek to raise issues that affect the welfare of members of our community, and work towards ensuring that the needs of all members are heard fairly at College and University levels. They also provide contraception, pregnancy tests, panic alarms, lube, and dental dams on confidential request.

The role of the Equality and Diversity Officer is to be a source of advice for those who require support in equality matters, to promote equal participation of members in all aspects of the MCR, and to discourage discrimination against any particular group. While this is the particular role of the Equality and Diversity Officer, it is also the responsibility of every member. Discrimination of any kind is not tolerated in the Keble MCR.

Social team

Traditionally, there are many larger events hosted by the MCR, there are weekly social events of a wide variety. The best way to stay up-to-date with events and changes is to join the Facebook group, check emails from the social team and also watch out for messages in the WhatsApp Group. We will provide a range of small gatherings to online events, both alcohol-free and alcohol-friendly, throughout the year. If you fancy running an event, or have an idea for one, get in contact with the social team. In a typical year, exchange dinners are arranged with other colleges which allow MCR members to enjoy a reduced hall meal at different colleges, as well as to meet other University students.

New WhatsApp Groups are made Yearly and details of joining can be found in initial emails send out or email the Secretary or any member of the committee!


Normally at Oxford, you can play sport at University (‘Blues’) or college level. While the Blues teams tend to be a bit more serious, taking part in college sport is a great way to stay active, fuel your competitive edge, and meet new people – all teams also have a great social scene! In Keble, there are various MCR specific teams including men’s and women’s Football and Cricket. When combined with the JCR you can get involved with anything from Rowing and Hockey to Dancesport and Croquet. That does not mean there are not other new sports on offer if you fancy them: Keble MCR members have joined university teams such as Quidditch, Ultimate Frisbee and Australian Rules Football so there should definitely be something on offer for you! If you want to know more of what is available in Keble and Oxford have a look at the Sports page on the MCR website or get in touch with the Sports Officer. Keble MCR has a punt rented at the Cherwell Boathouse that can be booked during Trinity Term and Summer through the Porters’ Lodge. You can find an overview of Keble Sports clubs here or get in touch with the MCR sports officer.